, pub-4392163633486923, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 women portraits painting by Charles Pompilius ~ projects art craft ideas

Friday, September 4, 2015

women portraits painting by Charles Pompilius

women portraits painting by Charles Pompilius

American artist Charles Pompilius create an artwork which is inextricably linked with the human figure, fit harmoniously into the interior space.Charles always enjoyed painting skin through sheer fabric and his object especially a woman. The paintings of Charles Pompilius have exhibited almost all major U.S cities. He received his BA from Central Michigan University and a master’s degree at the University of Iowa. Pompilius was awarded by the Pollock-Krasner. 

women portraits painting by Charles Pompilius

women portraits painting by Charles Pompilius

women portraits painting by Charles Pompilius

women portraits painting by Charles Pompilius

women portraits painting by Charles Pompilius

women portraits painting by Charles Pompilius

women portraits painting by Charles Pompilius

women portraits painting by Charles Pompilius

women portraits painting by Charles Pompilius